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How to cancel or reschedule my appointment?This is an easy task, please follow the below instructions to cancel or reschedule your appointment: 1. On desktop or mobile go to our website (which you are on now) If you are on a computer, at the top of the screen click "Log In" If you are on a phone or mobile device click the menu in the top left corner and click "Log In". 2. Click "Create an account" and create the account using the SAME EMAIL you used when booking your appointment 3. Pure Elegance will send you a code via email that you will need to input at this time, please check your Junk/Spam mail if you do not see it in your inbox 4. Input the number sent to your account and finish setting up your account 5. After logging in click on your account name and click "my bookings" 6. You will be able to see all your current and upcoming bookings through this portal and can manage cancellations and rescheduling going forward.
Where are you located?We are located at 9412 Elk Grove Florin Road, Elk Grove CA 95624.
I want to book a service that I don't see, what do I do?Don't see a service that you want to book? You can easily request it by submitting a contact form or using our chat option and someone will get back to you if we are able to add the service.
I need to schedule a service but there is no availability, what can I do?Though our time slots may be filled we do provide an option for flexible scheduling for emergencies. Text Kay at 916-247-4887 for other options, please be advised that there may be an additional fee for flex scheduling.
I need a quote on a hairstyle, what do I do?You can send send pictures and messages in our chat, just attach your images by clicking on the "paperclip" button at the bottom of the chat, type your message, and press send.
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